Fourier Analysis for DS

Fourier Analysis for DS People going into Data Science as a profession tend to come from a diverse set of technical backgrounds. However, the last few years more and more come from specifically Data Science masters programs. Fourier Analysis is a topic that tends to not be discussed in these settings. I think it’s still interesting enough to dive into for a bit, both because of its interesting mathematics and because it can give a lot of insight when working with time-series data....

16 March, 2024

Knot Theory

Playing with strings Knot theory is one of those topics where you start out by asking a very simple and natural question, follow a thread (hehe), then look around you and realize you’re knee-deep in at least 5 fields of math. The central topic of interest within knot theory is - you guessed it - knots. A knot in this context can be thought of as just a piece of string that is attached together at the ends....

2 December, 2023